My personal recipe for a post-exercise smoothie.
Serving Size 1 item
Amount Per Serving
Calories 440.0 Calories from Fat 81.0 g (18.4%)
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 9.0 g 13%
Saturated Fat 7.0 g 35%
Monounsaturated Fat 0.4 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g
Trans Fat 2.5 g
Cholesterol 130.0 mg 43%
Sodium 170.0 mg 7%
Potassium 900.0 mg 25%
Total Carbohydrate 87.0 g 28%
Dietary Fiber 7.0 g 28%
Sugars 53.0 g
Protein 12.0 g 24%
Vitamin A 18%
Vitamin C 32%
Calcium 39%
Iron 4%
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipe has not been professionally evaluated nor has it been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.
Drink one of these and you'll be swinging through the trees again in no time!
- 8 oz 2% milk
- 1/2 cup sugar free ice cream
- 2 bananas
It's 440 calories a pop and a boatload of carbs; so either share it with a friend or else make sure that you're budgeted for it.
I did some research and came up with a nutritional sheet:
Nutrition FactsServing Size 1 item
Amount Per Serving
Calories 440.0 Calories from Fat 81.0 g (18.4%)
% Daily Value *
Total Fat 9.0 g 13%
Saturated Fat 7.0 g 35%
Monounsaturated Fat 0.4 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g
Trans Fat 2.5 g
Cholesterol 130.0 mg 43%
Sodium 170.0 mg 7%
Potassium 900.0 mg 25%
Total Carbohydrate 87.0 g 28%
Dietary Fiber 7.0 g 28%
Sugars 53.0 g
Protein 12.0 g 24%
Vitamin A 18%
Vitamin C 32%
Calcium 39%
Iron 4%
* The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs. The values here may not be 100% accurate because the recipe has not been professionally evaluated nor has it been evaluated by the U.S. FDA.