Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Week of 12/30/2103

Monday 12/30/13

4 Mile Recovery run on Treadmill

Tuesday 12/31/13

5.04 Mile General Aerobic run (Effort felt harder than it was).  -11°, Clear.

Wednesday 01/01/14

I took it easy and stayed inside today. Slept in in the morning, ran a Lactate Threshold run on the mill in the evening. Four miles, 4x400m repeats.

Thursday 01/02/14

I ran a General Aerobic run this morning@ 11:15 pace.   It was -09º & Clear.

Friday 01/03/14

I took my first rest day in over a month today.  It was a real treat to get a full night's sleep.

Saturday 01/04/14

I had a ten miler scheduled for today, woke up to realize that my outdoor running kit was still sitting in the washing machine. I had never hung it up on Thursday, and it sat there all through my rest day yesterday. I hung it up and climbed back into bed. Hopefully that won't be a common theme in training this year.

Later on in the day I went shopping and finally settled in on a new pair of shoes, Asics GT-1000.

Sunday 01/05/14

Ran a scheduled recovery run on the treadmill tonight.  Due to the inclimate weather I will most likely skip tomorrow morning or do another short run inside, on the mill.

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